You’re sitting on the couch, pounding out that latest blog post on your laptop for your food blog. Life is good, the television is on, you’ve got a nice glass of wine to relax, and you’ll have your latest post published by the end of the night.
As you are working, you feel the heat from the laptop and think to yourself, this feels a lot warmer then normal. As you continue to work, you notice the heat radiating from your old laptop continues to rise. Panic sets in, you think about powering it down but don’t want to lose your work, and then it happens. Your laptop just died.
Now what? You quickly forget about that blog post you were hoping to have live by morning, and immediately start to think about how you are going to afford a new laptop. Sure, you have some passive income coming in from advertising on your blog, but that’s not going to cover the cost of a new laptop.

Selling Your Old Laptop
Maybe the above scenario is a bit far-fetched. More realistically, perhaps you’re using an older laptop for your blogging hobby. The CPU is a bit dated, it needs more memory, and overall the thing is a dinosaur that’s just too darn slow.
You have options…
Computers and laptops are considerably cheaper today than they were 5 years ago, but they can still be expensive. You want something that’s going to give you some decent speed and be able to last several years.
I mean Apple buys back their old iPhones, why can’t someone come up with a way to buy an old or broken laptop?
Two sites that come to mind that do just that are SellBroke and SellLaptopBack.
Here’s how it works. You select the type of device you want to sell. This can be a laptop, desktop, phone, or tablet. Enter the condition of the computer you want to sell, and any defects that you are aware of. Hit the “Get Quote” button, and you get an instant quote.
If you decide the price is right, they’ll email you a pre-paid mailing label. You simply box things up, attach the mailing label, and send it in. Once they receive the machine, they’ll check things out and if everything is as described, you’ll receive a payment through Google Pay, PayPal, or a company check.
How’s that for options?
Now you can leverage that old or broken-down machine to help offset the cost of a brand new laptop to continue your blogging adventures.
Looking for another advantage to recycling your old machine? How about helping to save the environment. Instead of dumping your old dead laptop in the trash, which is well just irresponsible, leverage someone else to dispose of it properly (and get paid for it).
Keep in mind, there’s a huge market for old computer parts. Your old laptop may be refurbished and resold or stripped of its components to be used to fix other broken computers.
Selling you old laptop to a reputable company is the responsible thing to do. So what are you waiting for. You know you’ve been looking at that latest Dell, or maybe now you can even afford a new MacBook.
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